Steve joins moderator Marijke Jorritsma in a conversation and Q&A filmed live at the Loop summit. As the owner of Xfer records, Duda worked with Nine Inch Nails, deadmau5, and toured as a DJ with Skrillex on his Mothership tour before trying his hand at software development. His route from musician to a software developer is a story of intrigue and self-learning. Steve Duda broke the mould when he created the widely loved Serum wavetable synthesizer. Usually, making software instruments takes a different, highly specialized set of skills that developers spend years acquiring.

Whether you are using the built-in instruments and effects in Ableton Live, other companies’ plug-ins, custom Max for Live devices, or some combination thereof, everyone has their favorite set of tools for getting a specific sound. Plug-ins are a staple for just about all music producers these days.