
Stalker shadow of chernobyl console commands add item
Stalker shadow of chernobyl console commands add item

stalker shadow of chernobyl console commands add item

Then hold down the key combination "Shift" + "F" and move in the desired direction. Throw all the things you need into his backpack and close the backpack window. Approaching the body of the killed, open his backpack by pressing the "F" key. Engage in a fight with a weak enemy and kill him. The first and most optimal option is not to change the game settings, but to make the most of the available opportunities and actions in the game. We bring to your attention instructions for the stalker call of pripyat how to increase the carried weight. There are several options for avoiding these actions for the stalker call of pripyat how to increase the carried weight. Therefore, players are often faced with the choice of throwing off something of the least valuable from the inventory in order to fit a newly found thing into a backpack. After all, the game itself is presented to us not only by a hopeless and mysterious atmosphere, but also by a huge number and variety of different types of weapons, artifacts and all sorts of useful things. How to increase weight in stalker call of pripyat? Sooner or later, this question arises for all players.

Stalker shadow of chernobyl console commands add item