
Mass effect 2 collector assault rifle
Mass effect 2 collector assault rifle

mass effect 2 collector assault rifle

While it doesn't have as high heat capacity as an assault rifle, its cooling rates are much faster. Collector SMG - rare and deadly self-cooling weapon.

mass effect 2 collector assault rifle

Its rate of fire increases when the trigger is held. Geth Plasma SMG - fully-automatic geth submachine gun.N7 Hurricane - despite its lower accuracy, great damage makes it a standard-issue SMG for many soldiers.It has less countable, but stronger shots. The highest spread in the game doesn't make it effective on distances, but its stun ability definitely compensate it. M-5 Buck - brand new pistol with shotgun ammo.Its firepower is similar to standard assault rifle. after completing mission on Freedom's Progress, when you have first occasion to change your loadout). If you import ME2 character you will get all of these weapons instantly (ie. It's because they're balanced to par with better weapons unlocked along with campaign progress. All weapons from MWP are unlocked in few first assignments of the game - pistols after completing recruitment missions on Omega, and everything else after Horizon.

Mass effect 2 collector assault rifle